110886 Offers3741 Agencies26514 Users

For rent Room gr.Haskovo -Centar 240 BGN

RubricFor rent
Type of propertyRoom
Quarter Centar
Town Villagegr.Haskovo
CountryBulgaria - BG
Price / Currency
240 BGN

A large room with a toilet and a terrace is available for rent. Unfurnished. No Landlords. It consists of an entrance hall, the main part - a room with two spaces, a bathroom with a toilet and a large terrace. It is possible to use it as a living accommodation, but there is no kitchen and no place to prepare food. Located in the city center behind. the city theater and near the vegetable market.
Offer №1023696
Date of last changeSun Jan 19 2025
Number of visitors196
For contacts: Agency: АРИВА КОНСУЛТ ЕООД
Country: Bulgaria
Town Village: гр.Хасково
Address: ул. Цар Самуил 2
Contact telephones: +359876214218; +359888424413
E-mail: ariva2020@mail.bg
